The End

And that’s that.

The Club have been fanning the flames of war to get the superpowers building better ships for fighting the expected Thargoid invasion, the Premonition of an invasion, by The Club. Far more details of the lore is in the books than shown here in the game, obviously. 

They’ve been running CQC to find and train pilots for when they’re needed. 

And in case all this didn’t work when the Thargoids did show up, they seeded these three (The Conflux, The Rift and Hawkings Gap) areas of space to flee to where there were Earth-like and terraformable worlds. 

And finally, in order to keep the peace and stop panic, they hid all the evidence of these expeditions so no one knew they were planning it. And this is after they had already worked hard to make everyone believe the Thargoids were a rumour/myth for over 50 years.

So what happens next? We don’t know. This all ended in 3303, it’s now 3309. The Thargoids have come, but no mention of The Club or an Exodus has been made since.1

Presumably, they’re still out there, directing the course of Humanity from the shadows…

The End

Should you wish, the page that follows contains an archive of all Galnet articles concerning Salomé and the Formidine Rift. Not all were included during this guide and so are included as an appendix for completeness.


Galnet News Archive


Drew’s Footnotes

  1. We were all set to continue this story, but MB was moved to Jurassic Park in 2017 and after that the Oresrian/Thargoid war story and various other bits of lore were stopped or retconned. It would have been fun… ↩︎